Photos Hall of Stupid Submit
Tha hall of stupid. Because it is much easier to blame one person or a small group of people for all of life's problems. The list below are the 5 people or groups of people that you voted to take 100% of the blame for the fall of society.
gold medal

I'll bet the power strip would love to cool down in the pool!

June 18, 20101 Comment share on facebook share on myspace share on twitter
silver medal

For people who want the burning in their throat but not the drunk that normally follows.

June 25, 20101 Comment share on facebook share on myspace share on twitter
bronze medal

Next she should see what happens if she shoots herself in the head with a twelve gauge shotgun.

July 10, 20100 Comments share on facebook share on myspace share on twitter
runner up

Try it now. I'll watch to see if anything happens in the barrel.

June 20, 20100 Comments share on facebook share on myspace share on twitter
runner up

So the strategy is to guilt the thieves into feeling too bad about stealing from a handicapped person that they leave it alone?

July 1, 20100 Comments share on facebook share on myspace share on twitter

Think something doesn't belong on this list? Click on it and vote it as less stupid. Most people are pretty stupid, so this list should be pretty stupid, since it is being voted on by stupid people. Stupid knows stupid.

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